Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fast and Free Italian Lesson 1 - Greetings

Welcome to Learn Italian Fast and Free Lesson 1!

In this first fast lesson I will show you some phrases you can use when you meet and greet someone, which is quite useful I'm sure you'll agree! I haven't included a lot of phrases, but for this first free lesson you should just try to remember them by heart, as well as the pronunciation. Remember the great thing about this language is that the way you read it is the way you say it, always! This really helps you to learn fast! There are a few rules when you get certain letters together (e.g. 'chi' is pronounced 'key' and 'ci' pronounced 'chee') but we'll deal with them as we come across them for now. For this first lesson just REMEMBER these phrases and SAY THEM ALOUD over and over until you feel confident. This is the most important thing when learning a new language.

A Quick Note - The 'Formal' Tense.
This is something that confused me A LOT at first! Basically in Italian, if you are speaking to a stranger/your boss/a teacher/an elderly person etc you should use the formal tense. That is the 3rd person singular of the verb. For example, 'Come stai?' is a way to ask friend in Italian 'How are you?' (literally you can translate it to 'How do you stay'). BUT if you need to use the formal tense you should say 'Come sta?'. (literally 'How does She stay?). The closest approximation in English is probably 'How is One?'. We'll learn more about this in the future, for now you just need to understand there is a difference. Now onto your first free phrase list!

Learn Italian Fast and Free – Phrases 1.
Greetings & Goodbyes
Hi! - Ciao ch-aow (like a cats miaow!)
Good day – Buongiorno bwon-jorno
Good afternoon/evening – Buonasera bwona-sera
Pleased to meet you - Piacere pea-a-chair-ray
How are you? (friendly) - Come stai? Com-eh sty
(formal) – Come sta? Com-eh sta
How's it going? (friendly) – Come va? Come-eh va
Fine, thanks – Bene, grazie ben-eh, grat-zee-eh
Ok – Va bene va ben-eh
Brilliant! - Benissimo! Ben-ees-eemo
Bye bye! - Ciao ciao! Ch-aow ch-aow
It was nice to meet you – รจ stato un piacere eh sta-toe un pea-a-chair-ray
Goodbye (friendly) – Arriverdierci, arree-ve-derchi
(formal) – Arriverdierla arree-ve-der-la
See you later! - Ci vediamo dopo! Chi ved-ee-ammo a do-poh
OR SIMPLY a dopo!
See you soon! – Ci vediamo presto! Chi ved-ee-ammo a pres- toh
OR SIMPLY a presto!

That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed your first Learn Italian Fast and Free lesson, ci vediamo presto!

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