Monday, January 11, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free Lesson 2 - More Greetings

In today's fast and free lesson, we'll learn some more greetings. Again, I won't include a lot of things for you to learn, but do make sure you take the time to study each free lesson (about 20 minutes depending on how fast you learn).
A Quick Note – Addressing more than one person
We have already seen that when talking to your peers you use a different form of the verb than when talking to strangers. If you are addressing more than one person you also need to use a different form of the verb. For example; In English if I walked into a pub and my 3 friends were all sitting at the bar I would just say to the group 'Hi, how are you?' This is because in English the word 'you' can mean 'you' – one person or 'you' – lots of people. In Italian, the plural of you is different than the singular. So in Italian, if I walked into a pub and my 3 friends were there I would not say 'Ciao, Come stai?' I would say 'Ciao, Come state?'

Learn Italian Fast and Free – Lesson 2

More Greeting and Goodbyes

Hello (more formal than ciao) – Salve sal-vey
What's you name? - (friendly) Come ti chiami? Comey tee key-amee
- (formal) Come si chiama? Comey see key-ama
My name is.... - Mi chiamo mee key-amo
Do you speak italian? - (friendly) Parli l'italiano? Par-lee lit-aly-ano

        • (formal) Parla l'italiano? Parl-la lit-aly-ano

No I don't, I am english – Non lo parlo, sono inglese non lo par-lo, so-noh eeng-lay-seh
Yes, a little – Si, un po see oon poh
I am learning – Sto imparando stoh eemp-aran-doh
This is...(to introduce someone) - (friendly) Ti presento tee pray-zen-toh

            • (formal) Le presento Leh pray-zen-toh

My family – La mia famiglia lah mee-ya fam-eel-ya
My sister – Mia sorella mee-ya sor-ella
My brother – Mio fratello mee-yo frat-elloh
My (female) friend – la mia amica lah mee-ya amee-ka
My (male) friend – il mio amico eel mee-yo amee-koh
My girlfriend – la mia ragazza lah mee-ya rag-at-zah
My boyfriend – il mio ragazzo eel mee-yo rag-at-zoh
My wife – Mia moglie mee-ya mowl-yeh
My husband – Mio marito mee-yo mar-ee-toh
How do you do – Molto lieto mol-toh lee-ay-toh

Do note that when talking about a family member (eg. Sister) you do not need to include 'la' or 'il', that's not a mistake!

Next time, I'll write up a sample conversation using the phrases you have learnt, so make sure you study! Don't forget to keep checking Learn Italian Fast and Free for your next lesson, alla prossima!

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