Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Greetings Review

Hello again from Learn Italian Fast and Free! Today I want to do a 'review' of the Italian lessons you've been studying so far....have you been studying your Fast and Free Italian lessons?? Learning a new language is not easy for everyone, people learn at different speeds. I certainly did not learn Italian as fast as I would have liked! But then, I didn't study as often as I should have either! If you have been following the lessons and learning the words and phrases by heart then you should be able to recall at least seventy-five percent of the free Italian lesons I've given you so far. If not, don't move on to the next lesson until you can. I know it's frustrating, but unless you remember the Italian you have already been studying, you wont be able to effectively remember all the new words! I know we all want to learn as fast as we can, but you do have to have a little patience! This is why I'm doing a review, so you can test yourself on what you have learnt so far.  Remember any questions leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Greetings Test
For the test DON'T cheat by looking over your past lessons or using any other learning materials (like a dictionary!) or by checking the answers (which I will post at a later!) Just go through the test and say the correct words aloud. Write your answer down so that you can check them later. TIP: If you know how to say something in the formal tense, you know how to say it in the 3rd person singular (she/he/it?) because they are the same. There is no time limit for the test. In Bocca al Lupo! (You cay 'Crepi!')

Section one (easy): How do you say in Italian....
1. My name is
2. Pleased to meet you
3. How are you (formal)
4. How's it going?
5. I'm good, thanks
6. Hello (formal)
7. Hi!
8. Good evening
9. OK
10. Goodbye
11. Bye bye!
12. See you later!
13. I speak Italian
14. Brilliant!
15. How are you? (friendly)

Section two (more difficult): How do you say in Italian....
1. What's your name? (formal)
2. My sister is called Anna
3. How are you? (to a group)
4. My friend speaks Italian
5. Let's go to the cinema
6. This is my friend
7. My husband is American
8. It was nice to meet you
9. Do you speak English? (formal)
10. I speak Italian
11. I am learning Italian
12. I am English, but my boyfriend is Italian
13. I don't speak Italian
14. You speak English well (friendly)
15. Goodbye (formal)

So, how do you think you did? Really you should have been confident with the first section, those were really easy! The second section may have been a little harder, and you may have had to think a little more. Some of the answers to the second section can be found only in the conversation example I gave you last time, so there may be things you had to work out yourself. This is important when learning a language, try to use your brain to guess what people mean when they talk to you, you will probably surprise yourself with what you can figure out!

If you don't feel that you did so well in the test, go back over the lessons and review the words and phrases you struggled with. Then, the next day, do the test again.

Next time on Learn Italian Fast and Free: Getting to know someone better. Learn how to ask and answer questions about someone. A presto!

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