Friday, January 22, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Greetings Review Answers

Hi and welcome again to Learn Italian Fast an Free. As promised here are the answers to the Greetings Test:

1. My name is
Mi Chiamo
2. Pleased to meet you
Piacere (or you could say 'molto leito' 'how do you do')
3. How are you (formal)
Come sta?
4. How's it going?
Come va?
5. I'm good, thanks
Sto bene, grazie
6. Hello (formal)
Salve (or you could say 'buongiorno' 'good day')
7. Hi!
8. Good evening
9. OK
Va bene (or just 'OK' !)
10. Goodbye
Arrivederci (or 'Ciao)
11. Bye bye!
Ciao ciao!
12. See you later!
Ci vediamo dopo (or a dopo)
13. I speak Italian
Parlo italiano
14. Brilliant!
15. How are you? (friendly)
Come stai?

Section two
1. What's your name? (formal)
Come si chiama?
2. My sister is called Anna
Mia sorella si chiama Anna
3. How are you? (to a group)
Come state?
4. My friend speaks Italian
Il mio amico parla l'italiano (or la mia amica if your friend is a girl!)
5. Let's go to the cinema
Andiamo al cinema!
6. This is my friend
Ti presento il mio amico (or la mia amica)
7. My husband is American
Mio marito è americano
8. It was nice to meet you
è stato un piacere
9. Do you speak English? (formal)
Parla l'inglese?
10. I speak Italian
Parlo l'italiano
11. I am learning Italian
Sto imparando l'italiano
12. I am English, but my boyfriend is Italian
Sono inglese, ma il mio ragazzon è italiano
13. I don't speak Italian
Non parlo italiano
14. You speak English well (friendly)
Parli bene l'inglese
15. Goodbye (formal)

Next time I will discuss more about the rules of masculine and feminine in Italian aswel as giving you some more really useful Itlaian phrases that you can use to get to know someone better. Thanks and buongiornata from Hostel Dog, your Learn Italian Fast and Free hostess!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Greetings Review

Hello again from Learn Italian Fast and Free! Today I want to do a 'review' of the Italian lessons you've been studying so far....have you been studying your Fast and Free Italian lessons?? Learning a new language is not easy for everyone, people learn at different speeds. I certainly did not learn Italian as fast as I would have liked! But then, I didn't study as often as I should have either! If you have been following the lessons and learning the words and phrases by heart then you should be able to recall at least seventy-five percent of the free Italian lesons I've given you so far. If not, don't move on to the next lesson until you can. I know it's frustrating, but unless you remember the Italian you have already been studying, you wont be able to effectively remember all the new words! I know we all want to learn as fast as we can, but you do have to have a little patience! This is why I'm doing a review, so you can test yourself on what you have learnt so far.  Remember any questions leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Greetings Test
For the test DON'T cheat by looking over your past lessons or using any other learning materials (like a dictionary!) or by checking the answers (which I will post at a later!) Just go through the test and say the correct words aloud. Write your answer down so that you can check them later. TIP: If you know how to say something in the formal tense, you know how to say it in the 3rd person singular (she/he/it?) because they are the same. There is no time limit for the test. In Bocca al Lupo! (You cay 'Crepi!')

Section one (easy): How do you say in Italian....
1. My name is
2. Pleased to meet you
3. How are you (formal)
4. How's it going?
5. I'm good, thanks
6. Hello (formal)
7. Hi!
8. Good evening
9. OK
10. Goodbye
11. Bye bye!
12. See you later!
13. I speak Italian
14. Brilliant!
15. How are you? (friendly)

Section two (more difficult): How do you say in Italian....
1. What's your name? (formal)
2. My sister is called Anna
3. How are you? (to a group)
4. My friend speaks Italian
5. Let's go to the cinema
6. This is my friend
7. My husband is American
8. It was nice to meet you
9. Do you speak English? (formal)
10. I speak Italian
11. I am learning Italian
12. I am English, but my boyfriend is Italian
13. I don't speak Italian
14. You speak English well (friendly)
15. Goodbye (formal)

So, how do you think you did? Really you should have been confident with the first section, those were really easy! The second section may have been a little harder, and you may have had to think a little more. Some of the answers to the second section can be found only in the conversation example I gave you last time, so there may be things you had to work out yourself. This is important when learning a language, try to use your brain to guess what people mean when they talk to you, you will probably surprise yourself with what you can figure out!

If you don't feel that you did so well in the test, go back over the lessons and review the words and phrases you struggled with. Then, the next day, do the test again.

Next time on Learn Italian Fast and Free: Getting to know someone better. Learn how to ask and answer questions about someone. A presto!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Learn Italian Fast And Free - Conversation 1

Hello again, ready for your latest Learn Italian Fast and Free lesson? Ok, todays free Italian lesson is going to be a conversation script. I will not include the pronunciation so be sure you have learnt how to pronounce all the Italian words and phrases I have given you so far. Are you finding that you're learning fast enough? If not make sure you are following the rules: read, repeat out loud again and again until you have remembered all the words and phrases included in your fast, free Italian lessons. Some people need to write the words down in order to learn them faster, some people can just remember by reading and repeating, do what's fastest for your learning style.

In the conversation I have included mostly words and phrases already provided in Learn Italian Fast and Free Lessons 1 and 2. However, I have also added a couple of small extra words here and there. I hope that if you have been studying your Italian lessons these extra words wont be a problem for you. They are words that are used naturally in the conversation. If you have any problems just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

Conversation 1 - Meeting and Greeting
Two friends Jane and Maria meet up before going to the cinema. Maria is accompanied by her boyfriend, Andrea.

Jane: Ciao Maria, come va?
Hi Maria, hows it going?
Maria: Bene, e tu? Come stai?
Good, and you? How are you?
Jane: Sto bene grazie, Maria.
I'm fine thanks, Maria
Maria: Jane, ti presento il mio ragazzo, Andrea.
Jane, this is my boyfriend, Andrea
Jane: Piacere
Pleased to meet you
Andrea: Salve, molto lieto. Sei americana?
Hello, nice to meet you. Are you American?
Jane: No, io sono inglese. Ma, mio marito è americano.
No, I'm English. But my husband is American
Andrea: Parla l'italiano anche lui?
Does he also speak Italian?
Jane: Si, un po, come me!
Yes a little, like me!
Maria: Tu parli bene l'italiano, Jane
You speak italian well, Jane
Jane: Grazie! Sto imparando.
Thanks! I'm learning
Maria: Come si chiama, tuo marito?
What's your husbands name?
Jane: Si chiama Steven.
He is called Steven.
Maria: Va bene, andiamo al cinema?
Ok, shall we go to the cinema? 
Jane: Si, andiamo! Ciao Andrea, è stato un piacere.
Yes, let's go! Bye Andrea, it was nice to meet you.
Andrea: Ciao ragazze! Ci vediamo dopo. 
Bye girls! See you later. 
Maria: Ciao amore! A dopo.
Bye honey! See you later.

Thanks for reading todays Learn Italian Fast and Free, ciao!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free Lesson 2 - More Greetings

In today's fast and free lesson, we'll learn some more greetings. Again, I won't include a lot of things for you to learn, but do make sure you take the time to study each free lesson (about 20 minutes depending on how fast you learn).
A Quick Note – Addressing more than one person
We have already seen that when talking to your peers you use a different form of the verb than when talking to strangers. If you are addressing more than one person you also need to use a different form of the verb. For example; In English if I walked into a pub and my 3 friends were all sitting at the bar I would just say to the group 'Hi, how are you?' This is because in English the word 'you' can mean 'you' – one person or 'you' – lots of people. In Italian, the plural of you is different than the singular. So in Italian, if I walked into a pub and my 3 friends were there I would not say 'Ciao, Come stai?' I would say 'Ciao, Come state?'

Learn Italian Fast and Free – Lesson 2

More Greeting and Goodbyes

Hello (more formal than ciao) – Salve sal-vey
What's you name? - (friendly) Come ti chiami? Comey tee key-amee
- (formal) Come si chiama? Comey see key-ama
My name is.... - Mi chiamo mee key-amo
Do you speak italian? - (friendly) Parli l'italiano? Par-lee lit-aly-ano

        • (formal) Parla l'italiano? Parl-la lit-aly-ano

No I don't, I am english – Non lo parlo, sono inglese non lo par-lo, so-noh eeng-lay-seh
Yes, a little – Si, un po see oon poh
I am learning – Sto imparando stoh eemp-aran-doh
This is...(to introduce someone) - (friendly) Ti presento tee pray-zen-toh

            • (formal) Le presento Leh pray-zen-toh

My family – La mia famiglia lah mee-ya fam-eel-ya
My sister – Mia sorella mee-ya sor-ella
My brother – Mio fratello mee-yo frat-elloh
My (female) friend – la mia amica lah mee-ya amee-ka
My (male) friend – il mio amico eel mee-yo amee-koh
My girlfriend – la mia ragazza lah mee-ya rag-at-zah
My boyfriend – il mio ragazzo eel mee-yo rag-at-zoh
My wife – Mia moglie mee-ya mowl-yeh
My husband – Mio marito mee-yo mar-ee-toh
How do you do – Molto lieto mol-toh lee-ay-toh

Do note that when talking about a family member (eg. Sister) you do not need to include 'la' or 'il', that's not a mistake!

Next time, I'll write up a sample conversation using the phrases you have learnt, so make sure you study! Don't forget to keep checking Learn Italian Fast and Free for your next lesson, alla prossima!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learn Italian Fast and Free - Ciao!

Hi all and thank you again for visiting Learn Italian Fast and Free! I just wanted to say hello and good luck with leaning Italian! I know in the beginning it is hard because things don't seem to progress as fast as you would like, but give yourself time everyday to study, make sure at the end of your study session you are happy that you have learnt at least 75% of the content by heart and can recall it easily. The lessons I am writing are short enough that you should easily be able to acheive this pretty fast. There are many other free Italian resources out there, use those aswel if you have time. The more you study the faster your progression will be. All I want to offer you in my free Italian lessons is a short study session that most people can fit in their schedules and that gives you the language tools you need to actually start speaking and having a conversation straight away. I don't want to bog you down with all the rules and regulations before you even try to speak the language!

Italian is a beautiful language, I would love that everyone learnt to speak it. Even better if you can do it fast. How much sweeter that you can do it for free! Thanks again for visiting Learn Italian Fast and Free, I hope you continue with your lessons, ciao ciao!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fast and Free Italian Lesson 1 - Greetings

Welcome to Learn Italian Fast and Free Lesson 1!

In this first fast lesson I will show you some phrases you can use when you meet and greet someone, which is quite useful I'm sure you'll agree! I haven't included a lot of phrases, but for this first free lesson you should just try to remember them by heart, as well as the pronunciation. Remember the great thing about this language is that the way you read it is the way you say it, always! This really helps you to learn fast! There are a few rules when you get certain letters together (e.g. 'chi' is pronounced 'key' and 'ci' pronounced 'chee') but we'll deal with them as we come across them for now. For this first lesson just REMEMBER these phrases and SAY THEM ALOUD over and over until you feel confident. This is the most important thing when learning a new language.

A Quick Note - The 'Formal' Tense.
This is something that confused me A LOT at first! Basically in Italian, if you are speaking to a stranger/your boss/a teacher/an elderly person etc you should use the formal tense. That is the 3rd person singular of the verb. For example, 'Come stai?' is a way to ask friend in Italian 'How are you?' (literally you can translate it to 'How do you stay'). BUT if you need to use the formal tense you should say 'Come sta?'. (literally 'How does She stay?). The closest approximation in English is probably 'How is One?'. We'll learn more about this in the future, for now you just need to understand there is a difference. Now onto your first free phrase list!

Learn Italian Fast and Free – Phrases 1.
Greetings & Goodbyes
Hi! - Ciao ch-aow (like a cats miaow!)
Good day – Buongiorno bwon-jorno
Good afternoon/evening – Buonasera bwona-sera
Pleased to meet you - Piacere pea-a-chair-ray
How are you? (friendly) - Come stai? Com-eh sty
(formal) – Come sta? Com-eh sta
How's it going? (friendly) – Come va? Come-eh va
Fine, thanks – Bene, grazie ben-eh, grat-zee-eh
Ok – Va bene va ben-eh
Brilliant! - Benissimo! Ben-ees-eemo
Bye bye! - Ciao ciao! Ch-aow ch-aow
It was nice to meet you – è stato un piacere eh sta-toe un pea-a-chair-ray
Goodbye (friendly) – Arriverdierci, arree-ve-derchi
(formal) – Arriverdierla arree-ve-der-la
See you later! - Ci vediamo dopo! Chi ved-ee-ammo a do-poh
OR SIMPLY a dopo!
See you soon! – Ci vediamo presto! Chi ved-ee-ammo a pres- toh
OR SIMPLY a presto!

That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed your first Learn Italian Fast and Free lesson, ci vediamo presto!

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Free Italian Lessons, Why?

Ciao tutti! Welcome to Learn Italian Fast and Free. Here I aim to post free lessons for you to learn some really useful Italian really fast!

I myself moved to Italy over two years ago with no knowledge of the Italian language or culture. I thought I could just pick it up as I went along but this really isn't the case. You need to study in order to learn the grammar and verb conjugations. I'm sorry! I want to help other people who may be in a similar situation, so I have decided to start posting these lessons. I hope you find them a useful way to learn Italian really fast and absolutely free!

In bocca al lupo! Good luck!